comptb: Thermal and bulk Comptonization of a seed blackbody-like spectrum
This model describes the Comptonization spectrum of soft photons off
electrons which are either purely thermal or additionally subjected to
an inward bulk motion. It consists of two components: one is the
direct seed photon spectrum and the other one is the Comptonized
spectrum. The latter is obtained as a self-consistent convolution of
the seed photon spectrum with the system Green's function.
The model is not specific to bulk Comptonization but it includes in a
coherent way different spectral shapes such as simple blackbody
(i.e. neither thermal nor bulk Comptonization), thermal Comptonization
(equivalent to compTT) and thermal plus bulk Comptonization. In the
latter case, it can be considered a completion and update of the bmc
model, as it includes the cut-off term in the spectrum.
All mathematical details of the model and its validity limits for
applications are reported in Farinelli et al. (2008, ApJ 680, 602).
par1 |
kT , temperature of the seed photons (keV). |
par2 |
gamma, index of the seed photon spectrum (default gamma=3). |
par3 |
alpha, energy index of the Comptonization spectrum. |
par4 |
delta, bulk parameter, efficiency of bulk over thermal
Comptonization. |
par5 |
kT , temperature of the electrons (keV). |
par6 |
log(A), log of the illuminating factor parameter (A). |
norm |
Normalization of the seed photon spectrum, defined in the same
way as the bbody model. |
Observatories |
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT