
Organized by
Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Scientific Organizing Committee
Manuel Bautista (NASA/GSFC), co-chair
Timothy Kallman (NASA/GSFC), co-chair
Peter Beiersdorfer (LLNL)
Nancy Brickhouse (CfA)
Duane Liedahl (LLNL)
Richard Mushotzky (NASA/GSFC)
Anil Pradhan (Ohio State Univ.)
Nicholas White (NASA/GSFC)
Local Organizing Committee
Manuel Bautista (NASA/GSFC)
Timothy Kallman (NASA/GSFC)
Atomic Data Needs for X-ray Astronomy: Proceedings
Editors: M. A. Bautista, T. R. Kallman, A. K. Pradhan
This publication contains written versions of most of the
invited talks presented at the workshop on "Atomic Data Needs
for X-ray Astronomy", which was held at NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center on December 16-17, 1999.
The idea of hosting such a workshop emerged from an imminent
need to update and complete current atomic datasets
in anticipation of a new era of high quality X-ray spectra
starting with the launching of Chandra and XMM-Newton observatories. At first, our vision of the workshop
was of a short and limited attendance event, given the specialization
of the topic. But it was soon realized, from the response to the first
workshop announcement, that the topic was of much interest to
researchers working in X-ray spectra (physicists and astronomers).
As a result, the workshop grew to approximately 120 participants from
several countries.
The kind of atomic data that interests us are those parameters needed for
analysis and modeling of spectra shortward of ~ 100 Å and relevant to
ionic species of astronomical interest. The physical mechanisms of
interest in the formation of spectra include photoionization, collisional
ionization, recombination (radiative and dielectronic), collisional
excitation (by electrons and protons), and radiative deexcitation. Unique
to X-ray spectroscopy are the ionization and excitation processes from
inner-closed shells, in addition to the challenges in interpreting the
medium resolution ( /
~ 0.05 - 0.1) data obtained by current X-ray
astronomy experiments. Line wavelengths are of interest too, particularly
owing to the high resolution spectra from the new experiments.
The workshop was divided into five major areas: Observational
Spectroscopy, Theoretical Calculations of Atomic Data,
Laboratory Measurements of Atomic Paramenters, Spectra
Modeling, and Atomic Databases.
One comforting finding from the workshop is that the enthusiasm felt
by X-ray astronomers about the new observational missions seems
to be shared by theoretical and experimental physicists.
Talks were presented about several exciting new projects and
experimental and theoretical techniques devoted to X-ray spectroscopy.
Simultaneously, several new tools for spectral analysis and modeling
have recently been developed, together with improved atomic databases.
These proceeding are expected to be of interests to producers and
users of atomic data. Moreover, the contributions presented here have been
written in a way that can be used by a general audience of scientists and
graduate students in X-ray astronomy, modelling, and in
computational and experimental atomic physics.
I. Observational Spectroscopy
Spectroscopy and X-Ray Astronomy
Stephen S. Holt 1
Initial Results from the
Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer
C.R. Canizares, D.S. Davis, D. Dewey, K.A. Flanagan,
J. Houck, D.P. Huenemoerder, H.L. Marshall, M.L. Schattenburg,
N.S. Schulz,
M. Wise 5
First Results of the Chandra-LETGS
P. Predehl,
B. Aschenbach
H. Bräuninger,
W. Burkert,
V. Burwitz,
G. Hartner,
J. Trümper 11
Chandra and the Emission Line Project
N. S. Brickhouse and J. J. Drake 19
II. Theoretical Atomic Calculations
Theoretical Calculations of Atomic Data for Spectroscopy
M.A. Bautista 25
Distorted Wave Calculations And Applications
A.K. Bhatia 41
The RmaX Network: R-matrix Calculations for X-ray Atomic
K.A. Berrington 63
The Iron Project
A.K. Pradhan 67
Photoionization and Recombination
S.N. Nahar 75
K-Shell Photoionization of Fe
B.M. McLaughlin, D. Donnelly, K.L. Bell, M.P. Scott, and
F.P. Keenan 85
The R-matrix with Pseudostates Method
T.W. Gorczyca, N.R. Badnell, D.C. Griffin,
D.M. Mitnik, and M.S. Pindzola 97
III. Experimental Atomic Data
Laboratory Data for X-Ray Astronomy
P. Beiersdorfer, G.V. Brown, H. Chen, M.F.
Gu, S.M. Kahn, J.K. Lepson, D.W. Savin, S.B. Utter 103
Time-Resolved Atomic Spectroscopy with
Fast-Ion Beams, Heavy-Ion Storage Rings and Ion Traps
E. Träbert 117
Tokamak Spectroscopy for X-ray Astronomy
K.B. Fournier, M. Finkenthal, D.
Pacella, M. J. May, V.
Soukhanovskii, M.
Mattioli, M. Leigheb and J. E. Rice 127
X-Ray Photoionized Plasmas in the Laboratory
R.F. Heeter, J.A. Emig, M.E. Foord, R.S. Thoe,
P.T. Springer, J. Bailey, M. Cuneo, and C. Deeney 135
Modeling X-Ray Photoionized Plasmas: Ion Storage Ring
Measurements of Low Temperature Dielectronic Recombination Rate
Coefficients for L-Shell Iron
D.W. Savin, N.R. Badnell, T. Bartsch,
C. Brandau, M.H. Chen, M. Grieser, G.
Gwinner, A. Hoffknecht, S. M. Kahn, J.
Linkemann, A.Müller, R. Repnow, A.A.
Saghiri, S. Schippers, M. Schmitt, D.
Schwalm, A. Wolf, and P.A. Závodszky 143
IV. Modeling Astronomical Spectra
V. Atomic Databases
Atomic Databases
C. Mendoza 167
For questions and comments about these proceedings,
contact Manuel Bautista at
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