NASA Astrophysics Division Astrophysics Advisory Committee (APAC) Self-NominationsNASA Astrophysics Division of the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) announces an invitation for public nominations for service on its Federal advisory committee, the Astrophysics Advisory Committee (APAC), that advises the Astrophysics Division Director. US citizens may submit self-nominations for consideration to fill vacancies on the APAC. There will be member vacancies from time to time throughout the year, and NASA will consider self-nominations to fill such intermittent vacancies. Nominees will only be contacted should a vacancy be available and it is judged that their area(s) of expertise is appropriate for that specific vacancy. NASA is committed to selecting members to serve on these committees based on their individual expertise, knowledge, experience, current/past contributions to the relevant subject area and overall diversity of the committee. All member appointments are non-compensated. However, NASA does cover travel and per diem expenses for all member appointments. The deadline for NASA receipt of all public nominations is December 1, 2017. To be considered by NASA, self-nomination packages from interested US citizens must be sent to NASA as an email. The following information is required to be included as part of each self-nomination package: (1) A cover email with subject line, "APAC: self-nomination"; (2) a professional resume (one-page maximum, included as an attachment); and, (3) a professional biography (one-page maximum; included as an attachment) that includes experience and contributions relevant to NASA subject areas. All public nomination or self-nomination packages must be submitted electronically via email to NASA at apac-execsec@hq.nasa.gov; paper-based documents sent through postal mail (hard-copies) will not be accepted. Note: Self-nomination packages that do not include the three (3) mandatory elements listed above will not receive further consideration by NASA.
Advance notice of upcoming deadlines for NASA Research Announcements and Announcements of Opportunity can be found by going to this NASA Research Opportunities Online Future Solicitations webpage. Page Author: Stephen A. Drake (Stephen.A.Drake 'at' nasa.gov) (301) 286-6962 HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public Last modified: Wednesday, 25-Oct-2017 11:13:21 EDT |