This Legacy journal article was published in Volume 5, November 1994, and has not been updated since publication. Please use the search facility above to find regularly-updated information about this topic elsewhere on the HEASARC site.


N. E. White


The ASCA archival data is now flowing to the HEASARC and the first data were made available on 15 November 1994. These data are accessible through the standard HEASARC online services, using ftp, gopher, the WWW and remote login Browse user interfaces. The HEASARC has also made available the first two ROSAT catalogs, from the pointed phase, with over 45,000 sources. One, WGACAT, was generated by the HEASARC, in collaboration with the ESIS project in Europe. The other, ROSATSRC, was made by the ROSAT project. The identification of these sources will provide a major new boost to our understanding of the X-ray sky.

The data restoration effort is moving along rapidly, and in this issue new data available from the HEAO 1 mission are announced. The sky survey map data from the A2 experiment are now available and are featured on the cover. Also the UCSD group has converted the spectral data products from the hard X-ray experiment to FITS format and these are now available through the HEASARC. The calibration of the BBXRT experiment on the Astro 1 mission is explained. The SkyView facility now provides instant access to many sky surveys, including the Digitized Southern sky survey. It is proving an extremely popular and useful tool to professional and amature astronomers alike.

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