National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science at NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterGoddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) is a world leader in space-based astrophysical research, offering opportunities for observation, data analysis and interpretation, instrument and mission development, laboratory astrophysics, theory, and numerical simulation. Vigorous programs of research include solar and heliospheric physics, planetary science, Galactic and extragalactic astronomy and cosmology, astrochemistry, gravitational wave physics, and space physics.New technologies are under development for space-based applications, including cryogenic detectors for infrared and x-ray astronomy, lightweight and ultra-precise optics, imaging gamma-ray detectors, advanced ultraviolet detectors, gravitational wave detectors, and innovative spectrometers from infrared to extreme ultraviolet wavelengths. We offer access to state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and equipment in optical, IR and x-ray interferometry and gravitational wave antennae. Opportunities exist for analysis of data from current space observatories, as well as archival analysis of data from previous missions. Goddard is actively involved in the development of new missions such as SIRTF, NGST, INTEGRAL, SWIFT, GLAST, Astro E2, Solar-B, STEREO, SDO, Solar Orbiter, MMS, and GEC. GSFC also carries out a number of sounding rocket and balloon programs, and opportunities exist for ground-based observing from IRTF, Keck and the National Observatories. The NAS/NRC postdoctoral research fellowship can extend up to three years with a generous annual stipend. Applicants will be judged on the merit and feasibility of their proposals. The deadlines are Feb 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1 (of any given year) - with the focus on the November 1 deadline for the majority of selections. Application details and information on individual research opportunities can be found at: http://www.national-academies.org/rap. For further information on individual research opportunities at GSFC see http://www4.nas.edu/pga/rap.nsf/frmLabInfoSearchResults?ReadForm&44.30~GSFC or contact Dr Nicholas White at 301-286-8801.
Application FormsThe following links are to Word files necessary for the application process. Download a free MS Word Viewer. These links leave the HEASARC site.Available from http://www4.nationalacademies.org/pga/rap.nsf/WebDocuments/Application+Forms:
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