agnsed, qsosed: AGN SED model

A model for the spectral energy distribution (SED) of an AGN developed by Kubota & Done (2018; KD18). Following Done et al. (2012), the SED model has three characteristic regions: the outer standard disc region; the warm Comptonising region; and the inner hot Comptonising region.

For the warm Comptonising region, this model adopts the passive disc scenario tested by Petrucci et al. (2018). Here, the flow is assumed to be completely radially stratified, emitting as a standard disc blackbody from Rout to Rwarm, as warm Comptonisation from Rwarm to Rhot and then makes a transition to the hard X-ray emitting hot Comptonisation component from Rhot to RISCO. The warm Comptonisation component is optically thick, so is associated with material in the disc. Nonetheless, the energy does not thermalise to even a modified blackbody, perhaps indicating that significant dissipation takes place within the vertical structure of the disc, rather than being predominantly released in the midplane.

At a radius below Rhot, the energy is emitted in the hot Comptonisation component. This has much lower optical depth, so it is not the disc itself. In the model, the albedo is fixed at a = 0.3, and the seed photon temperature for the hot Comptonisation component is calculated internally. In contrast to optxagnf, this model does not take the color temperature correction into account.

There are two versions of the model, agnsed and qsosed. agnsed is the full model, while qsosed is a simplified version of agnsed made by fixing some parameters at their typical values and by including reprocessing. For qsosed the agnsed parameters are fixed at kTe_hot = 100 keV, kTe_warm = 0.2 keV, Gamma_warm = 2.5, R_warm = 2R_hot, rout = rsg and Htmax = 100. Also, Gamma_hot is calculated via eq.(6) in KD18 and R_hot is calculated to satisfy Ldiss_hot = 0.02LEdd.

Parameters for agnsed:

par1 mass, black hole mass in solar masses
par2 dist, comoving (proper) distance in Mpc
par3 logmdot, mdot = Mdot/Mdot_Edd where eta Mdot_Edd c$^2$ = L_Edd
par4 astar, dimensionless black hole spin
par5 cosi, cosine of the inclination angle i for the warm Comptonising component and the outer disc.
par6 kTe_hot, electron temperature for the hot Comptonisation component in keV. If this parameter is negative then only the hot Comptonisation component is used.
par7 kTe_warm, electron temperature for the warm Comptonisation component in keV. If this parameter is negative then only the warm Comptonisation component is used.
par8 Gamma_hot, the spectral index of the hot Comptonisation component. If this parameter is negative, the code will use the value calculated via eq.(2) of KD18.
par9 Gamma_warm, the spectral index of the warm Comptonisation component. If this parameter is negative then only the outer disc component is used.
par10 R_hot, outer radius of the hot Comptonisation component in Rg
par11 R_warm, outer radius of the warm Comptonisation component in Rg
par12 logrout, log of the outer radius of the disc in units of Rg. If this parameter is negative, the code will use the self gravity radius as calculated from Laor & Netzer (1989).
par13 Htmax, the upper limit of the scaleheight for the hot Comptonisation component in Rg. If this parameter is smaller than parameter 10, the hot Comptonisation region is a sphere of radius Htmax by keeping Ldiss_hot determined by R_hot via eq.(2) of KD18.
par14 reprocess, switching parameter for the reprocessing, 0 or 1. If this parameter is 0, reprocessing is not considered. If this parameter is 1, reprocessing is included.
par15 redshift

Parameters for qsosed:

par1 mass, black hole mass in solar masses
par2 dist, comoving (proper) distance in Mpc
par3 logmdot, mdot = Mdot/Mdot_Edd where eta Mdot_Edd c$^2$ = L_Edd
par4 astar, dimensionless black hole spin
par5 cosi, cosine of the inclination angle i for the warm Comptonising component and the outer disc.
par6 redshift

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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT