par1 | lineE: rest frame line energy (keV) |
par2 | Index1: emissivity index for the inner disk |
par3 | Index2: emissivity index for the outer disk |
par4 | Rbr: break radius separating the inner and outer portions of the disk (gravitational radii) |
par5 | a: dimensionless black hole spin |
par6 | Incl: disk inclination angle to the line of sight (degrees) |
par7 | Rin: inner radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability |
par8 | Rout: outer radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability |
par9 | z: redshift |
par10 | limb: limb-darkening/-brightening law with 0=isotropic, 1=darkening (flux 1+2.06mu), 2=brightening (flux ln(1+1/mu)) where mu=cos(emission angle) |
norm | flux in line (photons/cm |
The parameters for rellinelp are :
par1 | lineE: rest frame line energy (keV) |
par2 | h: height of the primary source (GM/c2̂) |
par3 | a: dimensionless black hole spin |
par4 | Incl: disk inclination angle to the line of sight (degrees) |
par5 | Rin: inner radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability |
par6 | Rout: outer radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability |
par7 | z: redshift |
par8 | limb: limb-darkening/-brightening law with 0=isotropic, 1=darkening (flux 1+2.06mu), 2=brightening (flux ln(1+1/mu)) where mu=cos(emission angle) |
par9 | gamma: power-law index of the primary source (E-̂gamma) |
norm | flux in line (photons/cm |
and the parameters for rellinelpext are :
par1 | lineE: rest frame line energy (keV) |
par2 | a: dimensionless black hole spin |
par3 | Incl: disk inclination angle to the line of sight (degrees) |
par4 | Rin: inner radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability |
par5 | Rout: outer radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability |
par6 | z: redshift |
par7 | limb: limb-darkening/-brightening law with 0=isotropic, 1=darkening (flux 1+2.06mu), 2=brightening (flux ln(1+1/mu)) where mu=cos(emission angle) |
par8 | gamma: power-law index of the primary source (E-̂gamma) |
par9 | hbase: lower height of radially extended primary source |
par10 | htop: upper height of radially extended primary source |
par11 | vbase: velocity of the source at hbase |
par12 | v100: velocity of the source at 100 rg above hbase |
norm | flux in line (photons/cm |
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT