crossarf: mixing model for psf corrections when fitting multiple regions

This is a general model for use when simultaneously fitting spectra from multiple regions with a telescope whose psf is large enough to scatter emission between the regions.

The model requires arf files to have been calculated for the contribution from each region to each other region. Each spectrum then needs an XFLTnnnn keyword set to “CrossArfRegion:N” where N is the region number (no particular scheme is required to assign region numbers as long as they are unique) as well as a series of XFLTnnnn keywords setting the cross arfs from region to region using the values “CrossArfFromNToM:arffile” where arffile is the arf giving the contributions to region M from region N.

As an example suppose that we have four regions then the keywords in the spectrum for the first region could be:

XFLT0001 = 'CrossArfRegion:1'
XFLT0002 = 'CrossArfFrom1To2:test_1_2.arf'
XFLT0003 = 'CrossArfFrom1To3:test_1_3.arf'
XFLT0004 = 'CrossArfFrom1To4:test_1_4.arf'
Note that it does not matter which spectrum contains the definitions for all the cross arfs as long as the spectra read in have the complete list required.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 17:05:25 EDT