Applying The 6.33.2 Patch To Your Existing 6.33[.1] Installation
See the HEASOFT 6.33.2 Release Notes
for more information about this patch.
For users of the source code installation:
A patch installer script is available to aid you in updating your existing
6.33 (or 6.33.1) source code installation. To use it, simply
download the script
, save it in the directory containing your existing heasoft-6.33[.1] source
code folder, initialize HEASOFT, and then run it:
sh hdpatch_6.33.2
This script will retrieve the necessary patch file (requires wget),
then rebuild and re-install all relevant components. Note that any
components not included in your original download will be ignored.
It may take a while to finish, so please be patient while it runs.
For users of a pre-compiled binary installation:
Choose the appropriate tar file from the list below and unpack it
your existing heasoft-6.33[.1] binary folder,
and after doing so, run lhea-fixperl to update the headers of the
new NICER Perl scripts:
lhea-fixperl $HEADAS/bin/nicerl2 $HEADAS/bin/niscorpspect $HEADAS/bin/nicerversion
If successful, the task fversion should report v6.33.2,
and the task nicerversion should report v12A.
PC - Ubuntu Linux 20.04
PC - Fedora Linux 39
PC - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Mac Intel (Darwin 21.x / macOS 12.x and newer)
If you have any questions about the information above, please write to
us at the FTOOLS help desk.
HEASoft / FTOOLS Help Desk
If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this
site ( and use the
ASCL reference for HEASoft
[ascl:1408.004] or the
ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper
Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne,
and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.
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Last modified: Monday, 22-Apr-2024 14:09:43 EDT