kerrdisk: accretion disk line emission with BH spin as free parameter

Model for an accretion disk broad emission line with the black hole spin allowed to be a free parameter. A detailed description can be found in Brenneman & Reynolds (2006).

This model is quite slow so is best used after models such as laor or diskline have been employed to get an estimate of the best-fit parameters.

par1 rest frame line energy (keV)
par2 emissivity index for the inner disk
par3 emissivity index for the outer disk
par4 break radius separating the inner and outer portions of the disk (gravitational radii)
par5 dimensionless black hole spin
par6 disk inclination angle to the line of sight (degrees)
par7 inner radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability
par8 outer radius of the disk in units of the radius of marginal stability
par9 redshift z
norm flux in line (photons/cm$^2$/s)

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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT