bknpower, zbknpower: broken power law

bknpower is a broken power law and zbknpower a redshifted variant.

$\displaystyle A(E) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
K E^{-\Gamma_1} & \mbox{if $E \...
...k} (E/1 keV)^{-\Gamma_2} &
\mbox{if $E > E_{break}$} \\
\end{array} \right.


par1 = $\Gamma_1$ power law photon index for $E < E_{break}$
par2 = $E_{break}$ break point for the energy in keV
par3 = $\Gamma_2$ power law photon index for $E > E_{break}$
norm = K photons/keV/cm$^2$/s at 1 keV

The formula and parameters for the redshifted variant are:

$\displaystyle A(E) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
K [E(1+z)]^{-\Gamma_1} & \mbox{...
... keV)^{-\Gamma_2} &
\mbox{if $[E(1+z)] > E_{break}$} \\
\end{array} \right.


par1 = $\Gamma_1$ power law photon index for $E < E_{break}$
par2 = $E_{break}$ break point for the energy in keV
par3 = $\Gamma_2$ power law photon index for $E > E_{break}$
par4 = $z$ redshift
norm = K photons/keV/cm$^2$/s at 1 keV

If POW_EMIN and POW_EMAX have been defined by the xset command then the norm becomes the flux in units of $10^{-12}$ ergs/cm$^2$/s over the energy range (POW_EMIN, POW_EMAX) keV unless POW_EMIN = POW_EMAX in which case the norm becomes the flux density in micro-Jansky at POW_EMIN keV. In these cases it is important that POW_EMIN and POW_EMAX lie within the energy range on which the model is being evaluated.

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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT