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This is a description of commands that can be accessed from the HEASARC> prompt of the online account.

address - Change user's E-mail address

The address command changes the user's E-mail address in the registration database.

asc - Convert EXOSAT lightcurves to ASCII

This converts a file from XRONOS binary format into ASCII so that it can be mailed or copied to other computers.

browse - Browse through a database

BROWSE is the utility used to access the data in the archive. Type help browse to access the online help.

bulletin - Access BROWSE bulletin board

The bulletin command invokes the bulletin board browse utility.

cat - Display file data to the terminal

The cat file ... command displays the contents of a file to the current terminal device. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the type command.

cd - Change current directory

The cd [path] command changes the current working directory. The optional path specification must be within the user's directory tree. If no path argument is specified, the command changes the current working directory to the user's root directory.

coco - Coordinate conversion

The COCO program is Pat Wallace's STARLINK program that converts between various coordinate systems, equinoxes, and epochs.

compress - Compress file

The compress file ... command compresses a file. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. Refer to the unix compress/uncompress command documentation for the compression method used.

copy - Copy a file into the current directory

The copy file ... command copies the specified file to the current working directory. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the cp command.

cp - Copy a file into the current directory

The cp file ... command copies the specified file to the current working directory. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the copy command.

cpd - Set the plot device

The cpd device [display] command sets the graphics plot device. The device argument must be a valid type (cpd ? displays all available plot types). For /XWINDOW type device, the default X window display points to the address extracted from the user's e-mail address. Otherwise, display name in the address:monitor format can be specified. Refer to your machine's X window user's guide documentation for further information.

create - Create a sub-directory

Sub-directories can be created using the create/dir [.sub] command.

delete - Delete a file

The delete file ... command deletes a file. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the rm command.

dir - List files

The dir [file ...] command lists file. If the optional file argument is not specified, the command lists the filenames of the current working directory if any. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the ls command.

dumpfits - Write out a FITS file

The program dumpfits will write to the terminal the contents of a FITS file. It will prompt for a file name, and for the record numbers to be written out.

email - Change user's E-mail address

The email address command changes the user's E-mail address in the registration database.

env - Display current session characteristics

The env command displays the following session parameters: XOBSERVER username, E-mail address, registration date, last login date, home directory path, and graphics plot device if any. This command is identical to the show command.

exit - Terminate the current session

The exit command terminates the current XOBSERVER session and exits. This command is identical to the logout and quit commands.

get - Copy file from user's remote machine

The get file ... command copies file from user's remote machine. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the recv command.

help - Online help

At any point in the database system the section of the user's guide relevant to the task at hand can be accessed via the help facility. It is activated by typing

HELP [topic [subtopic [subsubtopic ...]]]


HEASARC> help                          ! obtain this user's guide
HEASARC> help getting_started login    ! find out how to login
HEASARC> help get logi                 ! find out how to login with
                                       ! less typing

The help facility contains the following features:

This user's guide is accessed from the main prompt.

la - List applications

The la command prints names of available external applications.

le_uv - EXOSAT LE UV contamination calculator

Predicts the EXOSAT LE contaminating UV count rate for a star. Type help image exosat_le_uv to access the online help.

logout - Terminate the current session

The logout command terminates the current XOBSERVER session and exits. This command is identical to the exit and quit commands.

logoff - End the session

Time for fun.....

ls - List files

The ls [file ...] command lists file. If the optional file argument is not specified, the command lists the filenames of the current working directory if any. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the dir command.

mail - Mail a file to your email address

The mail file ... command sends a file to the user's E-mail address. Multiple files must be separated by spaces.

mkdir - Create a directory

The mkdir directory ... command creates a subdirectory. Multiple directories must be separated by spaces.

mklepha - Make LE PHA file

Creates an LE PHA file for a given LE count rate. Type help spec mklepha for more information on the use of the program.

more - Display file data to the terminal with page breaks

The more file ... command displays the contents of a file to the current terminal device with page breaks. Multiple files must be separated by spaces.

mv - Moves a file into the current working directory

The mv file ... command moves a file into the current working directory.

nh - Get galactic hydrogen column density

Given a right ascension and declination, NH provides a value for galactic hydrogen column density. Type nh to run the NH program from within BROWSE.

put - Copy file to user's remote machine

The put file ... command copies file from current working directory to the user's remote machine. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the send command.

pwd - Print current working directory path

The pwd command displays the current working directory path.

qdp - Quick and Dandy Plotter

Run the plotting and fitting program QDP. Type help QDP for further information regarding QDP.

quit - Terminate the current session

The quit command terminates the current XOBSERVER session and exits. This command is identical to the exit and logout commands.

rdhis - provide mechanism to access results of XSPEC

RDHIS gives a listing of the contents of the history file. Type help spec xplot to access the online help. Additional information can be found in the ``XSPEC User's Guide."

recv - Copy file from user's remote machine

The recv file ... command copies file from user's remote machine. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the get command.

rm - Delete a file

The rm file ... command deletes a file. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the delete command.

rmdir - Delete a directory

The rmdir directory ... command deletes a subdirectory. Multiple directories must be separated by spaces.

send - Copy file to user's remote machine

The send file ... command copies file from current working directory to the user's remote machine. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the put command.

show - Display current session characteristics

The show command displays the following session parameters: XOBSERVER username, E-mail address, registration date, last login date, home directory path, and graphics plot device if any. This command is identical to the env command.

type - Display file data to the terminal

The type file ... command displays the contents of a file to the current terminal device. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the cat command.

uncompress - Uncompress file

The uncompress file ... command uncompresses a file. Multiple files must be separated by spaces. Refer to the unix compress/uncompress command documentation for the compression method used.

ximage - X-ray image analysis

A package for use in analyzing X-ray images. Type help image ximage for further information regarding the XIMAGE program.

xplot - Provide mechanism to access results of XSPEC

XPLOT is an interactive plotting program which operates on XSPEC history files (created using the his command and filled using the dump command). Type help spec xplot to access the online help. Additional information can be found in the ``XSPEC User's Guide."

xronos - Timing analysis

This is a command driven user interface that leads to the various XRONOS tasks to plot and analyze time series data. Type help timing xronos to access the online help.

xspec - A multimission spectral fitting package

Run the spectral fitting program XSPEC.

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Michael Arida