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BROWSE Command Summary

This gives an overview of many commonly used commands. A user should xerox this list and pin it on the wall.


browse sss                       ! Browse the Einstein SSS database
exit                             ! end BROWSE session


`?`                              ! command keywords
dbhelp                           ! help on the current database
help                             ! general BROWSE help
help dbhelp                      ! help on the command dbhelp
help sc                          ! help on the sc command
help sc /full                    ! help on the sc qualifier /full

Search and Display

search                           ! commands to search
display                          ! commands to display
sn 3c*                           ! search by names beginning 3c
dsam                             ! display the found entries (the sample)
dsam/full                        ! display the sample with no page breaks
                                 !            (cntl z to abort)
cey 2000                         ! change equinox year to 2000
cey 1950                         ! change equinox year to 1950
sc                               ! search by coordinates
sp                               ! search by any parameter
lparm                            ! list parameters
dall                             ! display all the parameters
dall 5-**                        ! display parameters entries 5 to the end
dline 1-5                        ! display a line summary
sif                              ! inclusive filter
sef                              ! exclusive filter
sort                             ! sort
cdb me                           ! change database to me
ldb                              ! list all the available databases
lsam                             ! list samples
csam snr                         ! change sample to snr's
cind time                        ! change index to time
lind                             ! list indexes
msam                             ! make a sample
mat                              ! make a customized line listing
dat 1-**                         ! display a customized line listing
dat/tab=fred 1-**                ! display the customized table fred
lat                              ! list the customized tables


   -----> first establish your terminal type.....
cpd /te                          ! change plot device to tektronics
cpd /gterm                       ! change plot device to gterm
cpd /vt                          ! change plot device to vt
cpd /graph                       ! change plot device to graphon
cpd /x11                         ! change plot device to x11
   -----> then...
psam                             ! plot sample
psam time count                  ! plot time v count rate
psam/?                           ! list plot sample qualifiers
psam/hist/bin=20 exposure        ! plot histogram of exposure time
psam/ait                         ! aitoff plot (galactic coords)
psam/ait/celes                   ! aitoff plot (celestial coords)
psam/logx/logy "ice start" count ! plot with log x and y axes


lfiles                           ! list data files
pp/summ                          ! summary of products available for plotting
pp/sp 1                          ! plot spectra for entry 1
pp/sp/error 1                    ! plot spectra with error bars
pp/assp 1                        ! plot associated spectra
pp/bgsp 1                        ! plot background spectra
pp/li 1                          ! plot lightcurve for entry 1
pp/bgli 1                        ! plot background lightcurve
pp/im 1                          ! plot image for entry 1
xp/summ                          ! summary of products available
xp/sp 1                          ! extract spectral products
xp/li 1                          ! extract lightcurve
xp/im 1                          ! extract image
xspec/int 1                      ! run XSPEC in interactive mode
ximage/int                       ! run XIMAGE interactively
xronos                           ! list XRONOS tasks


cross/rad=1/db=ipc               ! cross-correlation with radius of 1 arc
                                 ! min of current db against ipc db
comp/rad=1                       ! auto-correlation, radius of 1 arc min

File Transfer

Files may be transferred from the user's directory on the site computer to the user's home node. The transfer can be made either while logged on to the site computer using the mail, send, or ftp commands, OR directly from the user's computer using the local copy command. The mode used depends on

The send command uses FTP to transfer files over TCP/IP networks.


Files can be transferred into the user's HEASARC account using the get command. Multiple file names must be separated by spaces. Wild cards are allowed. get uses ftp and works like the send command in reverse.


The command mail [file name] uses the Unix mail facility to send the specified file to the user's node and id. This is suitable only for ASCII files (including postscript files). Users logged in via DECnet (SPAN) and Internet receive the mail at their current computer addresses. Users entering the system via a gateway will be prompted for the addresses to which they would like the mail sent. For gateways connecting two DECnet networks the address is of the form GATEWAY::NODE::USER. Internet users give their internet addresses in the form user@host.domain. The mail is then sent home by using the gateway EAST.


The `put file ...` command copies specified file from the current working directory to the user's remote machine. This command prompt the user for the remote E-mail address (Internet or DECnet), directory specification in which the specified file should be put, and binary or ASCII transfer mode. If the user specifies an Internet E-mail address, the file transfer is through the FTP utility. Otherwise if the E-mail address is DECnet, the file transfer is through DCP utility. Multiple file names must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the `send` command.


The `recv file ...` command copies specified file from the user's remote machine to the current working directory. This command prompt the user for the remote E-mail address (Internet or DECnet), directory specification in which the specified file resides, and binary or ASCII transfer mode. If the user specifies an Internet E-mail address, the file transfer is through the FTP utility. Otherwise if the E-mail address is DECnet, the file transfer is through DCP utility. Multiple file names must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the `get` command.


The `send file ...` command copies specified file from the current working directory to the user's remote machine. This command prompt the user for the remote E-mail address (Internet or DECnet), directory specification in which the specified file should be put, and binary or ASCII transfer mode. If the user specifies an Internet E-mail address, the file transfer is through the FTP utility. Otherwise if the E-mail address is DECnet, the file transfer is through DCP utility. Multiple file names must be separated by spaces. This command is identical to the `put` command.

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Michael Arida