notice data channels
Syntax: | notice | <range1>[<range2>] ... [<rangeN>] |
notice | all |
where <rangeI> ::= <spectrum range>:<channel range> | <channel range>.
If no <spectrum range> is given, then the previous range is used (the initial default range is file one (1) only). The form of <spectrum range> is
<spectrum range> ::= <initial spectrum>-<last spectrum> | <spectrum>
where <init spectrum>, <last spectrum>, and <spectrum> are spectrum numbers, in the order that they were input with the data command. The form of <channel range> is
<channel range> ::= <initial channel>-<last channel> | <channel>
If <channel range> are integers then channels will be used or if reals then energies (or wavelengths if setplot wave has been specified). Energy and wavelength units are determined by the setplot energy and setplot wave settings. If only the last channel is indicated, then a default value of 1 is used for the initial channel. Channels remain noticed until they are explicitly ignored with the ignore command. When a spectrum is replaced by another spectrum, all input channels automatically are noticed.
XSPEC12> notice allresets all the channels to 'noticed'.
Assume that 4 spectra have been read in, the first 2 having 100 channels and the last 2 having 50 channels. Assume also that channels 1-10 of all four spectra are ignored and that channels 80-100 of spectra 1 and 2 are ignored.
In XSPEC12, notice does not force the detector response to be reread (see response description).
XSPEC12> notice **:1-10 //The first 10 channels of all 4 spectra are noticed. XSPEC12> notice 80-** //an attempt will be made to notice channels in all 4 spectra // (as that was the last spectrum range specified) but the // result is that only channels 80-100 will be noticed for // spectra 1 and 2, with no change for spectra 3 and 4 as // they have no channels greater than 50. XSPEC12> notice 1:1-5 //No channels are noticed, as these channels were noticed //in the beginning.
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT