HEAD 2004 Meeting in New Orleans

This page has links to all pertinent information, graphs, and transparencies for the three press briefings to be presented at the 2004 HEAD Meeting.  The links to the online presentations will remain inactive until the beginning of the briefings. 

Questions concerning the distribution of this information should be directed towards:
      Ilana Harrus imh@lheapop.gsfc.nasa.gov
      Press Officer, High Energy Astrophysics Division

      Press Room Phone Number 504-681-4418


Wednesday, September 8, 1:00 PM
Press Conference

Thursday, September 9, 1:00 PM
Press Conference
Friday, September 10, 1:00 PM
Press Presentation

Scientists Gain Glimpse of Exotic Matter in a Neutron Star
1:00 PM Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Presenter: A. Villarreal, University of Arizona
Presenter: T. Strohmayer, Goddard Space Flight Center
Commentator: J. Cottam, Goddard Space Flight Center

Press release

Animation (8.6 MB)

Animation of real data (720 KB)

Pictures (Directory)

Captions and credits for animations and pictures

Villarreal's presentation

Strohmayer's presentation

Toll-free number to call for on-line participation: 1-888-455-0044; Passcode: 23964

(The presentations will be not linked until 1:00 PM Wednesday, September 08, 2004)

Scientists Follow Doomed Matter on a Ride Around a Black Hole
1:00 PM Thursday, September 09, 2004

Presenter: K. Iwasawa, Institute of Astrophysics, Cambridge (UK)
Presenter: G. Miniutti, Institute of Astrophysics, Cambridge (UK)
Commentator: P. Nandra, London College (UK)

Press Release

Background Information

Pictures (Directory)

Captions and credits for animations and pictures

Iwasawa's presentation(quick time movie format)

Iwasawa's presentation (power point format)

Miniutti's presentation

Toll-free number to call for on-line participation: 1-888-889-1959; Passcode: 23964

(The presentations will not be linked until 1:00 PM Thursday, September 09, 2004 )

INTEGRAL Special Session
1:00 PM Friday, September 10, 2004

Presenter: G. Weidenspointner, Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse (FR)
Presenter: S. Mereghetti, Istituto di Fisica Cosmica, Milano (IT)
Moderator: D. Hartmann, Clemson University

INTEGRAL information

Summary of INTEGRAL Newest Results

Summary sheet for Weidenspointner's presentation

Weidenspointer's presentation

Mereghetti's presentation

Toll-free number to call for on-line participation: 1-877-917-1549; Passcode: 23964

(The presentations will not be linked until 1:00 PM Friday, September 10 2004)

Created by Ilana Harrus, 08/23/04